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Turn and face the strange. We have all sorts of helpful posts here to get you leveled up ASAP. From cutting edge changes to best practices, we've got you covered.


AI Misuse and Automation Risks: How Digital Risk Culture Shapes Resilience

As artificial intelligence (AI) tools evolve and proliferate, so too do the risks associated with their misuse. Attackers are leveraging AI to create...

3 min read

Doing More with Less: The Human Risk Strategies That Actually Scale

If your board doesn’t see cyber risk as a top threat to your organization—or worse, if leadership believes that tech tools alone will save you—it’s...

3 min read

The New Frontier of Phishing: AI-Generated Scams Targeting Executives

Cybercriminals are leveraging artificial intelligence to launch phishing attacks that are more sophisticated, convincing, and dangerous than ever...

3 min read

Trend Report: AI-Driven Phishing and Deepfake Threats

AI isn’t just powering innovation—it’s powering threats. From deepfake scams to AI-generated phishing attacks, cybercriminals are using these...

2 min read

Predictions for 2025: What Matters for Your Human Risk Strategy

We love predictions. They’re equal parts art and science, a kaleidoscope of insight, pattern recognition, and a touch of bold speculation. As we dive...

3 min read

a game plan drawn on chalkboard

Incident Response:How to Help Employees When Cyber Threats Strike

Imagine your organization's cyber defenses as a well-trained emergency response team. (Work with us here). Just like a strong immune system in a...

3 min read

Cybersecurity Culture Transformation: Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report

The annual release of Microsoft’s Digital Defense Report is always a milestone moment for the cybersecurity industry. For us, as an organization...

4 min read

a hand selects from a lineup from emails

Enhanced Phishing Training: Dealing with Today's Threats

If you’ve been involved in a phishing scenario where the attack was successful, it’s pretty hard to gain a sense of trust when plugging in a device...

2 min read